Third Man Records Set To Open Vinyl Pressing Plant - Indie Vault

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Third Man Records Set To Open Vinyl Pressing Plant

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Factory jobs are returning to Detroit! Well, at least 50 of them are - in the form of Third Man Records’ new vinyl pressing plant, due to open on February 25.

The label describes the new plant as a “meticulously designed boutique vinyl record production facility with a unique customer experience, providing visual evidence to visitors of vinyl’s beauty and importance” - and boss Jack White has further added interest to the opening festivities by announcing that limited edition TMR pressings of the White Stripes self-titled debut and their second album De Stijl will be available for purchase.

With an estimated pressing output of 5,000 records in one 8-hour shift, 2017 looks set to be a bumper year for new vinyl rock releases.

Check out the tantalising promotional video right here.

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